外资(欧美) 5000-10000人 电子技术/半导体/集成电路
外资(欧美) 5000-10000人 电子技术/半导体/集成电路
一百多年来,欧司朗以其出色的光源产品而闻名于世。今天,欧司朗已成为世界两大光源制造商之一。欧司朗总部设在德国慕尼黑,是西门子工业集团的一部分。2010财政年度(截至2010年9月30日),欧司朗公司全球销售业绩高达47亿欧元。欧司朗的客户遍布全球近150个国家和地区。凭借着创新照明技术和解决方案,欧司朗不断开发人造光源的新领域,产品广泛使用在公共场所、办公室、工厂、家庭, 道路以及汽车照明和特种光源照明(如应用于投影仪或影视拍摄)各领域。作为全球最具创新能力的照明公司之一,欧司朗拥有多项世界领先的专利,众多世界著名工程都选择了欧司朗的照明产品和方案。从极尽豪华的迪拜帆船酒店,到庄严肃穆的北京天安门;从2006年世界杯慕尼黑安联球场,到现代建筑经典瑞典马尔摩旋转大厦…欧司朗的照明产品都闪耀在其中。欧司朗在中国共设有5个生产基地和6个研发中心,公司在华员工总数将近10000人。其中欧司朗(中国)照明有限公司成立于1995年,总部位于佛山,在全国设有超过40个销售办事处;欧司朗中国已成为欧司朗亚太地区的实力中心,并在欧司朗全球战略中扮演重要角色。可持续发展是欧司朗全球发展战略中的一个重要环节。多年以来,欧司朗都努力应用创新的照明技术和发展高效环保的生产流程以降低二氧化碳排放并减少废料。目前欧司朗公司营业额70%来自于高效节能产品,而且这个比例未来几年会增至80%。我们致力于开发和生产更多创新、节能,环保和成本效益高的产品,以更好地服务的中国市场。欧司朗全力支持中国“绿色照明工程”,在2008和2010期间为中国提供了1800万只绿色照明产品。欧司朗的光源产品及照明系统多达5000多个品种,能够充分满足人们在工作、生活及特殊领域的多方面需求。其产品系列包括:荧光灯、紧凑型荧光灯、高强度气体放电灯、卤素灯、汽车灯、摩托车灯、特种光源、电子镇流器,发光二极管和有机发光二级管等。先进的电子管理系统及完善的物流配送网络实现了欧司朗产品服务中国千家万户的愿望。For more than 100 years the name of OSRAM has stood for excellence in light throughout the world. OSRAM is part of the Industry Sector of Siemens and headquarters in Munich, Germany. Today OSRAM is one of the world's two leading lighting manufacturers. Global sales in fiscal year 2010 (up to the end of September 2010) amounted to EUR 4.7 billion.OSRAM products are sold to about 150 countries in the world. With its innovative technologies and solutions, OSRAM has continually opened up new horizons in artificial lighting – in public utilities, offices, factories, homes, streets and for automotives as well as in the special lighting fields ( For example, for display applications and for TV and films ).As one of the most innovative companies in the world, OSRAM owns many leading patents. OSRAM has provided lighting solutions to world famous projects like: Dubai Al Arab Hotel, Munich Allianz Arena, Beijing Tian An Men Square, Swedish Turning Torso… Wherever you are, OSRAM is with you.OSRAM owns 5 production sites and 6 research and development centers in China, with total employee number in china close to 10,000. OSRAM China Lighting Ltd. was established in 1995. There are over 40 sales offices across the country. OSRAM China has become the centre of competence in the Asia-Pacific region and plays an important part in the global strategy.Sustainability is the guiding principle of OSRAM’s global strategy. Over the years, OSRAM has made strong efforts to adapt innovative lighting technology and develop efficient processes to reduce CO2 emission and avoid waste. 70% of our sales came from energy saving products in the last fiscal year and this will increase to 80% in the next years. OSRAM fully supports China’s Green Lighting Program and is committed to provide energy saving, environment friendly and cost effective products to serve Chinese market. From 2008 to 2010, OSRAM has provided a total of 18 million green products to this Program.OSRAM offers more than 5,000 lighting products and solutions to fulfill people’s needs in different areas. Products range from fluorescent lamp, compact fluorescent lamp, high intensity discharge lamp, halogen lamp, automotive and motorcycle lamp, display optic lamp, electronic control gear to LED/OLED light. Base on advanced SAP system and comprehensive distribution network, OSRAM is dedicated to excellent service of quality lighting to Chinese consumers.